Thursday 19 February 2015

Happy Lunar New Year 2015

Another new year and another start. It's the year of the ram, which apparently means a year of tranquility. 

It was definitely not tranquil today during my workout. My usual workout buddies were busy today so I went by myself. (The last time I worked out by myself... must have been in 2nd year university). I pumped as quickly as I could, making me realize how crucial those small breaks between sets are in terms of recovery. There were times where I felt really faint doing squats today, and I was only squatting 135 lbs!

After working out, I went to purchase some thank you cards for school. A group has been working with one of my classes since October and their last session will be this upcoming Tuesday. I'm looking forward to the pot luck, though I probably won't be able to eat much from it. =(

And off to sleep I go! The next coming weeks should be busy. =/

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