Thursday 29 March 2012

30 Things About Me Series

Well, to hopefully help me blog daily again, I decided to start a little segment called: 30 things about me. Each day, I'll post a little tad bit about me that some of you may not know. Of course, I'll try not to dish out my deepest and darkest secrets/traits =P bwahahaha.

Well today, I managed to wake up early again! =) I got up and worked on finding some more jobs. There's this one at the Spark Center that I'm thinking of applying too! I really do need that income for the summer, though I don't think I'll be able to start on "that project" this year =(.

After looking and fixing up some cover letters, I went back to FF XIII-2. I managed to collect a couple more fragments, so I'm at 159/160 fragments at the moment!! The last fragments is going to be hard to get though... I have to find all the monsters in the game and collect ALL of their data. In other words, many hours of farming will take place. =(

I went out to eat tonight. We initially went to Grey Eagles for All You Can Eat Seafood, but the line was humongous! We estimated that it'll take 2 hours to go in, so we decided to go somewhere else. We ended up at Smugglers Inn. It's been a while since I last been to that place. I had the Rib and Rib Combo today (which was ginormous! Should have taken a picture...). For the first time in a long time, I had trouble finishing my meal. (Doesn't help that I ate a lot of salad at their salad bar =P)

Well for today's picture of the day...
Didn't take one today, so here is an album art that I really like. It came from Amuro Namie's new single: Go Round/Yeah-Oh. I think the cover was well done! I usually don't like her covers for some reason...

Now time for the First Thing About Me: Easy Going

I feel, for the most part that I'm easy to get along with. I usually don't have a preference for things, so I tend to go with whatever others feel like doing. However, I guess this sometimes backfires... this indecisiveness... To some, it looks like I don't really care, but really I do!

And that's it =P

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