Wednesday 7 March 2012

Time flies...

Time sure fly by quickly! I can't believe that my semester is almost over!

I couldn't really study after volunteering this morning, so I played some FF before I went to school... I managed to max out my characters though. =P But I guess I should have been working on my essay...

At school, I had a decent workout today. I arrived late, so I didn't work out as long as I would like too... but I went to do some work afterwards! I managed to finish reading the ASD section from my textbook, which would be really helpful for my paper! =)

Hmm, 408 was the same as last week... I didn't feel engaged in class today. I guess it's because I was thinking about those papers... that I should have started writing...

But keeping it short and sweet! I hope to have my 100th blog post up on Saturday, so today is the last day you'll hear from me, until Saturday!

For today's picture...

Not my own picture (credit:

But that was what I had for dinner today. I'm getting sick of MacHall food, and I only eat there once a week!

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