Friday 9 March 2012


Didn't get as much work as I hoped for...

I started off my day with a visit to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. After an hour, I was told that my teeth were in pretty good shape, but I need to brush near my gums more since they were a bit red.

I went home afterwards and got started on my essay... but after a while I got tired from work and played FF... I managed to unlock all the paradox endings though? =)

As for Bro Night today, we went to Royal India for buffet. I believe it was about $19 a person (with tax, no tip), so it was a pretty good deal! The restaurant was nice but there wasn't a lot of people today. The food was pretty good in my opinion. I got full after two plates of food =P,

Here's a picture of my first dish
Oh, and Loki is busy this week, so there's no guest blog post tonight. =(

On the plus side though, I have completed my 100th blog post for tomorrow, so I hope you look forward to that! =)

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