Monday 5 March 2012


What an inspirational day today!

First off, I printed off the sheet music to a fan-made piano version of Final Fantasy XII-2's Knight of the Goddess. It's such a beautiful piece. I can't get enough of that ascending motive! It's almost ingenious in its placement.

407 seminar was the same old today... I don't really recall what we were talking about... It was something to do with how we would treat students who have a learning disability or such... but I don't recall why I can't recall!! (Must be the end of term stress... oh you papers you!)

I went to go work out afterwards. During some cardio (on a cross trainer), I was watching Power and Politics on CBC. They were discussing the Rob Ander's controversy, in where he was caught sleeping during caucus meeting (I believe this is what it was), and when some veterans complained about it, he retaliated back with comments. Now I'm not into politics, but it was interesting to see the debate between the a conservative member, a liberal and a new democrat. While I was watching that, I managed to log in around 35 minutes on the cross trainer (when I was planning to do just 15).

Now 406 lecture today... well it was something different. Usually, I would sit in class with no idea of what is going on. However, I managed to understand a good chunk of todays material. Also in class, my professor read out loud her eulogy that she wrote for her mother, who passed away quite recently. I had to say it was really touching. I could tell that the whole class was listening, for it was dead silent. At the end of the eulogy (which involved the importance of teaching), she explained how her early years was quite difficult. Out of her siblings, she is the only one that managed to have, what I see, as a good life. To combat all those difficulties takes a lot of courage and to share that to our class... well I think that takes a lot of courage as well. To share something so deep and personal to a group of us where we don't really interact with her that often... well I was deeply touched.

To end of today's post, I don't really have a picture that I took today, so here's a picture I ripped off from

 Lightning - Etro's Knight (aka: Knight of the Goddess)

And here's the song:

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