Thursday 1 March 2012


This Hellish week is over, well almost! I know I only had the m/c test and the m/c question assignment, but I've been working on my research papers... though I can't say that I found a lot of good resources yet or narrowed down my topics yet... I also have to say that these last couple weeks are gonna be brutal, and it doesn't help that my Reading Break was short (but going to WestCAST was a pretty nice experience... not complaining... but I feel like I'm complaining...)

ANYWAYS!!!! Typical Thursday! Had 409 in the morning and 410 in the afternoon. We experimented with physics today in 409. Our topic was wave interference. In between class, I was working on my 406 question. Once that was done, I headed over to the ST tables to chill... for like the first time this week! =P

Well my mind is scrambled up, so what better way to descramble my mind with a bit of poker? =P

As for today's picture of the day, as promised... here it is! As random as I can get =P

No product placement =P. Though, anybody can guess what brand this calculator is?