Wednesday 28 March 2012

What a difference it makes waking up early!

On Monday and Tuesday, I woke up at around 11 AMish. On both days, I hardly got stuff done.

On the other hand, I got up at 6 AM today. After breakfast, I drove down to see where my practicum was located. Valley Creek is located in such a nice neighbourhood! The school looks pretty nice from the outside as well. I took a couple pictures to get myself started for next week! Can't wait!

After coming home, I started to look for more jobs to apply for the summer. I have to say, it is harder than it looks. I am quite fortunate to not have to search for my previous jobs =P. I think I finally starting to see how difficult it is to look for employment. =(

So after writing a couple of cover letters (since each job is different...), I got back to FF XIII-2. I'm trying to finish collecting all the fragments before the end of the month... which I don't think is quite possible. I managed to collect about 20ish fragments today though! (Which is pretty good!) I spent like 4-5 hours collecting those fragments though... and with the help of my trusty guide book...

Lol oh! Started a new drama series: Strawberry Night (featuring Takeuchi Yuko). The first episode is typical, but hopefully it'll pick up soon!

For today's picture, here's one I took at Valley Creek!

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