Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap Year Day!

February 29th! Something that we see once every four years (kind of like the Olympics). According to one of my profs, apparently there's a tradition in where a woman is allowed to propose to any man that she likes... Very interesting.... though I wonder if the man has the right to reject the woman? I know that its mostly men that propose to women, but..... yeah....

Anyways, today was a pretty average day. I went to volunteering today (managed to remember this morning...) and had a pretty good session with both of my buddies. After volunteering, I went home and worked on my 406 assignment (where we make a m/c question for our final). It didn't go to well, so I started playing some FF XIII-2. I downloaded the Sazh side quest, which officially came out today I believe. In his side quest, you pretty much gamble (Texas Hold'Em and some other game... forgot what it was called) away so Sazh can be reunited with his son. I was playing poker, since I was most familiar with this game. I managed to take down two people in 6 turns (I went all in on a full house, which I knew that I would have the biggest full house =P). However, it took me about an hour to get rid of the last guy, since he kept playing it safe and never really bluffed... In the end, I just whittled him down by bluffing every major hand, since I knew he wouldn't call my bluff (too bad this doesn't really work in a real casino =P).

I went to school after to work out. I had a pretty good work out today! My shoulders are quite sore from today, though I'm starting to see some improvement! =)

Class was a bit dry today I thought (or maybe since I've been tired the last couple days from thinking about these research papers I have to write), so I started to nod off a bit. I'm not sure if my professor caught me nodding off, but she called on me to answer a question (she was working her way up the stairs, asking people questions) on the types of life-long learning we discussed so far. It has been about 5 years since I last answered a question in front of a class, I found it a bit difficult in forming my thoughts on the spot, but luckily my professor helped me out by giving me some guiding questions.

Right after class, I got back to 406, since I wanted to have some sort of idea to discuss with my group tomorrow. For about an hour and a half... I could only come up with one thing... Oh the frustration >_>. What made it worse, was that I got an email stating my placement for this semester. I'm going to be placed in a school that's about 20-30 minutes away from my house. I was hoping for something closer, so I could walk (Dr. Higgins Jr. High was my wish), but I guess life doesn't always give you what you want.

Eh, I'm fried... so I guess it means bed time! As for today's picture of the day (well really yesterday's picture but I was too tired to blog):
Beef Lasagna and Chicken... something something soup from the education cafeteria. It was pretty good for $9! Kept me full for a while. My only complaint with yesterday's meal was that the lasagna was still frozen in the middle. =( Otherwise it was quite tasty, though I was extremely thirsty afterwards.

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