Wednesday 8 February 2012


So I just realized that the stitching on one of my Rocks is slightly messed up... Good thing it wasn't my favorite pair though! What a coincidence though (in terms of rocks)... as you'll find out when you read through this!

So I started my day off with volunteering. Things were great with my first buddy but things got a bit "rocky" with my second. After volunteering, I went home. Instead of studying... I went and played some FF. I was stuck at Oerba 200 AF, since I wasn't able to beat Caius for the first time. However, after grinding a bit more, and levelling up my monsters, I decided to try again... with success (after like 1.5 hrs of grinding...).

I went to school early to go work out. I haven't worked out in a week and a half, so I started off with some laps around the track. While running, I was "rocking" it out with some.... slow music (oh gosh... maybe I should stop...). Afterwards, I met up with a friend and we did some shoulders and back. We also did pull ups, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to do them =(. I guess I'm still too heavy for my arms to lift me up! GRRRR

Class was a bit boring today. Thank goodness that a friend decided to attend class with me, or I would have fallen asleep. We were talking about transformative learning today, but just somehow, I wasn't really in the mood for it.

After class, I went to help a friend find some rocks for a project. After an hour or so (felt more like 15 minutes), we were able to find a decent amount. Good thing it was a relatively warm night!! I actually learnt some things about rocks and clay, and soil (pardon the English) while we were digging for these rocks.

And now, the picture of the day: my first dinner tonight

Korean Clear Noodle Soup. It was pretty good, but I was quite thirsty afterwards... and I didn't drink all the soup this time! =(

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