Monday 27 February 2012

MADAO [Good-for-nothing-old-man]

Back to school today. =(

My day in school started with a m/c test for 407. I wish I spent more time studying for it, and especially spent time to memorize the stats. Oh well, there's still one more test to go!

After my exam, I went to go work out. I found a song that really helped me during my run on the elliptical: FF XIII-2 Knight of the Goddess. The ascending motifs were just mind blowing! That really got my heart pumping. After cardio, I did some weights and called it a day.

I proceeded to watch a bunch of TED talks for 406 (that I should have watched a couple days ago...). One of the talks spoke about the power of vulnerability. Now, I have to say that I was uncomfortable watching this video; not because it was bad (it was extremely well made), but because it struck a chord within me. All too often, I feel scared of being vulnerable, so I do numb that sensation by avoiding it in the first place. (More on this when I write my 100th post: Insecurities).

Along with the other videos I watched for today's class, I noticed how they were discussed in today's episode of Gintama. (Great Anime by the way! One of the best I ever watched!) One of the supporting characters, Hasegawa Taizou (aka Madao) was a contestant in "Who wants to be a Madonaire".

[Spoiler Alert]

Now the backstory behind Hasegawa was that he used to be an official in the government, but he lost his job one day. After losing his job, his wife left him (though not truly) and he pretty much ran out of luck. Well anyways he goes through this game, but he gets upset after answering each question correctly. The reason why is due to the fact that he's finding out how pathetic he is (since he's a Madao) due to answering these questions based on his life [parody of Slumdog Millionare]. However, he realize that it was okay to be a Madao; to be pathetic, for he had a goal to achieve. As in any Gintama episodes with a heart-warming story, it ends up in comedy, but nonetheless, I saw parallels with what I watched today for class!

That's it for today! For those who never watched Gintama, here's a picture of Hasegawa looking for money.

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