Wednesday 22 February 2012


It's been a while since I last blogged! I blame it on my paper (last week). No excuses really for this week...

So I woke up today, thinking "What a wonderful week" since it's reading break. At around 11 o'clock, I realized that I had volunteering... that was supposed to start at 9 and finish at 11... I don't recall missing out on an event due to pure carelessness before =(.

Also, I went to staples today, since they had an advertisement on 16 GB flash drives for $10! (My old 512 MB one was $10... 5-6 years ago?). I've been looking for cheap flash drives since my external harddrive doesn't work with my mac anymore =(. There were sales at BestBuy, but I always arrive too late...

I eagerly entered the store (since the flyer came out today and I was there probably a couple hours after it opened... there should be at LEAST one more flash drive left!!), not knowing that a sales attendent wanting to help me out. After I noticed that she was there, I asked her about the flash drive. She proceeded to lead me to the area where they kept the flash drives, but the one in question wasn't there. Then she looked at the flyer and pointed out that it was a "Saturday Door-Crasher Event". Once again, I felt embarrassed and walked out after a sheepish apology for my clumsiness...

I went to BestBuy next, since I needed a Sony Playstation Network Card for Final Fantasy XIII-2. There was a new DLC package, where you can fight Lightning and Amodar (Lightning's commander). The cool thing about this optional battle is that you can use them as your 3rd person/monster in your party! I quickly purchased a card and went home to put it on my PS3. After downloading and installing the DLC, I went to go fight these two.

I was underlevel =(. Both Lightning and Amodar had 600 000 HP+. I fought for an hour, realizing that I couldn't defeat them, since they healed like 60% of their HP in 30 seconds (I managed to stagger them down, but to no avail). Disappointed, I gave up and went to do some homework...

On the plus side, I managed to finish a couple readings. All that I need to do for the rest of reading break is to determine suitable topics for my two big papers, start on my portfolio and start planning my lesson plan for 409... Not too bad...

Also, tomorrow is the first full day of West CAST! I wasn't able to attend the mixer tonight, but hopefully tomorrow will be a day full of fun!

As for today's picture:
For a HARDCOVER guidebook under $30, it's a great buy! So detailed in terms of the numerous side quests in FF XIII-2. I don't think I seen a finer guidebook than this one!

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