Monday 6 February 2012

First time this semester!

Today marks the first time this semester that I skipped a lecture...

The reason why I skipped was primarily due to the fact that I did not finish my readings for the lecture today and that I wasn't too keen on taking transit late at night by myself... (I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat after that one bad experience a couple years back...)

Anyways, today in seminar, we talked more about students at risk and students that have emotional disorders. I was a bit inattentive today so I didn't absorb much from seminar. We did watch a couple short clips though of students that have been homeless/living in shelters for a while. Those students were from Calgary, so it gave a sense of "relevancy". If the clip didn't say anything about the students' statuses, I would have never guessed that they were homeless. Also, watching that video made me count my blessings again, for I was fortunate enough to go through school with certain luxuries like having a warm place to return to each day, getting 3 meals a day, having the school supplies I need and able to participate in club activities without the need to go to work.

Hmm, I keep saying that I'll post a drama review... but I've been so lazy in starting it up! Perhaps next week? I have a Top 5 drama post coming up this weekend for sure though! =P

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture to post for today, so here's a youtube video instead!
It's pretty amazing to see this baby hit the ball back quite accurately!

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