Saturday 4 February 2012


I don't know why... but all of a sudden I was thinking of BoA's song: Woo Weekend, when I was thinking of a title for today! (I usually come up with the title first before I start writing my post. That's why these titles can be pretty lame at times =P)

Well well... I was busy playing games the last couple of days, so I wasn't able to post. =P FF XIII-2 is pretty good so far! I like the revamped battle system!

As for today, it was a normal day. I went to volunteer and played my usual songs. Work was ordinary as well, though I felt a bit light headed during work... Who knows why?

I went to BestBuy after work to see if I could still purchase a USB Flash Drive. They were having a sell on 64 GB drives for $40!! It was all sold out when I went. =( I guess next time!

When I got home, I started on my readings for 408 (group presentation this coming week!) I managed to go through the first two readings... just one more to go!

Hmm, what else... oh tomorrow is karate examinations! I wonder how my students will do tomorrow...

As for today's picture, it was taken a couple days back. I accidentally spilt some capelin roe into my tea, so they started to cook! The white ones are cooked while the orange ones are still being cooked (I believe). Take a look! ^_^

Now it's time for more FF XIII-2!!!

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