Sunday 26 February 2012

End of Reading Break

Well today marks the end of Reading Break for 2012. It felt like time flew by... I didn't feel like I got a lot of rest over this week. Oh well, what can I do =P

Friday was the last day of WestCAST. I got to host two interesting sessions. The first one was on protecting my online identity, and what I should do to help ensure I can get a job. In other words, I shouldn't have any suggestive pictures/videos/etc of myself! It was a very interesting session, but I was quite surprised that there was only 6 of us (including myself). The next session was targeted towards new teachers. There was a HUGE amount of people that wanted to attend this session. The room was so packed, that it was actually a fire hazard, if we had a fire.

After the two sessions, we all got served lunch in the ballroom. It was a pretty decent vegetarian lunch. During this time, I got the chance to interact with a couple of other 1st years who were volunteering as well. Once lunch was finished, UofC passed on WestCAST to the next school (University of Northern British Columbia?). Apparently, they only want a few handful of people to come, because their program is VERY small (80ish people if I remember correctly).

Well that pretty much marks my experience with WestCAST! It was actually a pretty fun conference, despite the fact that I had to pay a large amount for it =P (tough being a University student =( )

As for today, it marked the end of my FF XIII-2 quest... well the main story line anyways. I grinded quite a bit to get Lightning as a playable character, so I was pretty much overtrained for the final boss. I think my guide book recommended 2500 HP for Serah and 3000 for Noel. Well, I had 4300ish for Serah and 5700 for Noel. It was a nice ending, though it was sad. =(

Good thing there's multiple endings for this game!

Well that's it for tonight! No pictures, since I'm tired... =_=

Better wake up early tomorrow and finish studying for my midterm...

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