Saturday 11 February 2012

The miracle of modern dentistry!

Yesterday, I went to the dentist to get my tooth checked. It turned out that I suffered a level 4 fracture (meaning that the pulp was exposed). The dentist had to perform a root canal to remove the pulp (and to prevent an infection).

All I can say was that the root canal therapy is the most painful dental treatment I ever had. Apparently, since my tooth suffered trama, it's difficult to numb/freeze the nerve around the tooth (due to inflammation from the trauma). During parts of the surgery, some parts of the pulp/nerve wasn't numb so I felt pain as the dentist removed it. Oh well... no pain, no gain!

After removing the pulp, everything went smoothly. My tooth was no longer sensitive to hot/cold!

Today, I went back in to get my filling. It wasn't as bad as yesterday, that's for sure!

Here's a picture of the finished result. I'm going to go back in a couple of months to get a crown. Hopefully, the crown will offer a more permanent solution than the filling =P

It's slightly uneven, but it's temporary! =P

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