Thursday 9 February 2012


I thought my daily event yesterday was pretty interesting... wait till you hear today's! =P

I woke up later than I would normally like this morning, but I managed to get to school on time. In 409, we made a lesson plan to incorporate ICT with the topic of genetics. My group decided to focus on mutations with the use of an interactive software online called Molecular Bench (I believe that's the name). We actually finished the project quite early, so I spent the last 30 minutes or so looking at other people's ideas. There were some interesting ones, like playing a game to explain mutations or using cool videos from youtube to describe transcription.

Now the interesting part. =P

About an hour after class, I was running outside. Unfortunately, one of my shoe lace loops got tangled with the hook on my other shoe/hiking boot. As you can imagine, I tripped and fell down quite hard. I scrapped my right hand and wrist, banged my nose on the ground, bloodied lip and... chipped my left front (incisor) tooth.

I went to the nearest bathroom to wash up. Once I was done with that, I ventured to Mac Hall to go visit the local dentist and walk-in clinic to get assessed. I managed to get a dental appointment booked for tomorrow to examine my tooth. The walk-in clinic was quite fast. I managed to get in, like 5 seconds after finishing my patient form. The doctor told me that I should be fine, but my pride might be hurt (which she was right =P). I also got a tetanus booster just to be on the safe side! =P

So after the visits, I decided to skip my last class and go home. When I informed my dad, he just acknowledged the fact that it happened and hope that my recovery will go well. My mom on the other hand called me careless and stupid, but she got working on my boots (modifying my laces) to ensure that I don't fall again! =)

So why is this blog titled Karma? Well, it could be just a coincidence, but I'll let you be the judge of that. So yesterday... I had a little "accident" but didn't inform anybody about it. Thinking about how Karma was striking back, I had a bit of an uncomfortable evening last night. And today, this has happened... so... I am now a true believer of Karma. (Until I forget again, like how I sometimes do... but I hope this is a good lesson!)

Well despite my physical injuries and hurt ego, I had a transformative experience today. I know that I stated that I try not to take my health for granted, but I would normally not take great care of my teeth. Sure, I would brush at least twice a day and use floss at least once a day, but it was always a half-ass job. Teeth health is crucial and I'll be sure to take extra care once I get my front tooth fixed!

Now, one might ask, why I seem so cheery after such an accident. Well, "shit happens". When I first got frostbite a couple years back, I was depressed for quite a while. However, it did made me realize the importance of health, first of all. Also with my recent accident, it could have been a lot worse. I could have chipped both front teeth, twisted one of them, broke my nose, etc. (Also, I guess I had worse accidents before, like smashing my face while sledding, frostbite, sprained finger that healed crookedly, etc).

To end it off, I would like to thank those who helped cared for me today during my ordeal! I'm grateful for the caring medical staff/ receptionists and most importantly, my friends and family.

Well it may be a bit graphic... but here's a picture of my tooth

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