Wednesday 1 February 2012


Done my 409 History of Science Paper! Well, not 100% edited, but that should only take like 10 minutes tomorrow morning. =P

Well since I was working on my paper all today, I didn't have the chance to go work out. =( There's always Friday I guess?

Class was alright today. There was a lot of technical problems, so I spent most of the time just sitting there and playing Bejeweled on my iPhone. I'm playing the Zen mode at the moment, but I don't feel like its keeping me relaxed...

Since I'm done with my papers (for now...), I plan to start FF XIII-2 when I get home tomorrow! Can't wait for that! To end of today's post, here's what I had for dinner

I was craving noodles today, so I got udon from Kobe Beef! It's been a while since I last visted that place. Apparently, they're serving "Reman" now... hmm, I wonder what that could be... =P

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