Tuesday 7 February 2012


Today was colder than yesterday, though it wasn't as bad as a couple weeks ago with that -40 degrees Celsius weather!

In 407 today, we discussed emotional and behavioural disorders. Like how the prof stated, it's not as clear-cut to identify one with EBD for all people have these symptoms from time to time (aggression, jealously, isolation, depression, etc). For 408, we had our presentation today. I think it went well! The activities seemed to kept our audience's attention for the most part.

I got home early today to "get some work done", but really I ended up playing FF XIII-2... (I did manage to do my readings for 410 and Calgary Reads though!). I want to play XIII-2 now, but unfortunately, my game chair is being occupied so I guess now is a fine time to start my review of the latest drama I watched: Soredemo Ikite Yuku (though not as long as I thought it would be...)

EDIT: Well it's been almost an hour and I'm still on the story section... another day perhaps! Here's a picture of the show though. Taken from drama-wiki

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