Saturday 26 May 2012

Calaway Park

To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm so grateful for this Friday since I don't have work/school at the moment! It's been a pretty relaxing week so far.

Today, I got the chance to help out my old practicum (can't believe its my old practicum...) school by being a supervisor for Junior Science day at Calaway park. It's been about 8 years since I last been to the park (grade 9 graduation trip). It seemed somewhat similar to what I remember, which brought upon a feeling of nostalgia. However, they had some new rides like the storm chaser and high drop(?).

I was in charge of ten students today. Luckily for me, I got a pretty good group of students that I taught during my three weeks at the school. They were quite obedient and nothing out of the ordinary happened that day. It was quite a relaxing, first time supervision for me today. I went on a couple rides, since I can't do spinning rides anymore =(. I blame it on old age... till my students told me that their parents are able to ride on those spinning rides... maybe its just cowardliness? Lol...

It was a great experience, though tiring experience. =P

Moving onto the picture of the day: I've been learning more tricks about photoshop from a friend. Here's a technique I learnt recently!

This was done by creating a background copy, making that black and white, creating a mask and painting over the parts I wanted to be color (from the original of course) =P I may have missed some parts, but I'm working on it! I also learnt the other method, where I would simply highlight a section, turn that into black and white via the layer method (or so I call it) and inverse the colors. =P

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