Tuesday 8 May 2012

Love Shuffle

I didn't blog yesterday because I was preoccupied with a drama I started: Love Shuffle. It's a story about 4 characters (3 guys and a woman) who are having troubles/bland relationships. These four characters meet upon one fateful day in an elevator and decided to exchange partners (so we end up with 4 guys and 4 women) every week in an event called "Love Shuffle" to see whom has good chemistry with who. I got to say that this idea was very interesting and thus attracted me to watch the drama (plus a pretty solid cast).

So I finished the drama today. Interesting idea, though story line wasn't as great as I hoped it would be. However, there were some deep meaning embedded within the entire drama. The biggest question/topic in this drama, was of course, love. What is love? Why does love fade? Is love different from person to person? This show really made me think about my concept of love and relationships. Pretty much, the key point the screenwriter was trying to express is that love shouldn't always be about comfort, it should be about challenging one another.

I give this drama, an 8/10. For the first time, I didn't mind all the love triangles that were in this drama (probably because these love triangles were very very short lived =P) Also, the panda played a prominent role in this drama as a source of puns (hard to explain since the puns were in Japanese). It was ingenious in how they were able to create some of the puns!!

So today's picture is a picture of my chandelier. This was taken on my iPhone again with the rear camera (no HDR or flash). It was very hard to do =(

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