Tuesday 22 May 2012

Long Weekend Recap

Ah! I was busy with stuff over the long weekend that I didn't bother to post.

So on Friday was Montana's and Diablo, which I briefly mentioned in my last post.

Saturday was a Car Day! Got it serviced and spent time to clean it with a friend. We spent six hours on it, but my car ended up being super shiny after it was done. First step was clay baring, then compound, then polish and finally wax. The interior was pretty straight forward, just wet vacuuming and I took some pictures, though it was hard for me to get the right lighting conditions. Therefore, no pictures, but just imagine driving out a new car from the parking lot. Now take that shininess and times it by three and thats what I have! =D

Sunday... was karate. I wasn't able to participate in the morning class due to my foot, so I watched from outside. I also had the chance to converse with a student's mother. It was a very good conversation for I learnt about a parent's perspective in terms of their children. At times, I believe that I understand what goes on my parents' own mind, but perhaps I don't really know until I have kids on my own. Either way, I was glad that I had the chance to enlighten myself that day.

The main reason why I was there was to teach my karate class, but it turned out that I didn't do much teaching. I sat mostly to do some "helping point" work/calculations which I've been storing in a notebook. I was pleased though that my assistant instructors are capable of taking care of the class, which shows how much growth they went through over this past year! =D

Monday... well I mostly spent time with my family. We usually don't do activities together, but we're rarely all together at home due to stuff we need to get done.

Tuesday... Long weekend was over, but I'm still on break...

Good news though! I got my HDMI cable for my camera and most importantly, my Tamron lens adapter for my dad's two Tamron lens. I wasn't quite sure it'll work since these lenses are 30 years old, but it did! Here's a picture taken by a 500 mm mirror lens. It can sure take pictures from far away!

Don't mind the tree branches... lol the main focus should be on the mountains!

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