Wednesday 30 May 2012

Dog Days of Spring...

This week isn't exactly the hottest week of spring... but I couldn't think of a different title. However, it's been a lazy week so far, which usually is due to hot weather for me... but anyways, moving on!

I've been busy watching Hajime no Ippo (old classic boxing anime) and playing D3 over the past couple of days. I've been going to LC in the morning to exercise, to help with the placid lifestyle I have at home...

So since my life is pretty... boring at the moment, I might as well explain the anime I'm watching at the moment. Pretty much, its a story about a boy named Makunouchi Ippo, a shy high schooler who was bullied by three guys. One day, a man stopped the bullies during a particular beating. At this time, Ippo swore never to be a wimp, ever again. He finds out that the man belongs to a boxing gym, and so he goes and joins this gym. It turns out that Ippo has a natural talent for boxing due to his strong punches. Very soon, the manager/principal of the dojo takes on Ippo and trains him to be the best he can be.

Like other stories, this one is full of motivational quotes and inspirations. Ippo never boxed before, but he worked his BUTT off to get to where he is (currently, he's the East Japan Rookie Champion, or whatever the full title is). This show also have its comedic moments, normally when Ippo's teammates tease him. Also, there is a bit of romance, where Ippo falls in love with one of his rival boxer's sister. To sum it up, this show has a bit of all! It makes it a really interesting show to watch (which explains why I haven't been watching Lucky Seven recently since it's kinda... plain...)

To end of my post today, here's a picture of the anime


I don't understand how Ippo is so light, being so jacked. He is a featherweight boxer weighing in at 124 pounds... He must be short, or maybe I'm just ignorant lol

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