Wednesday 16 May 2012


Not my first RPG, but my first from Blizzard.

First off, a recount of my day:

I started off with a swim in the morning. I went a little bit later than usual, so it was filled with children learning how to swim (near the end of my swim).

After swimming, I went home to relax for a bit before driving my mom to the orthodontist to get her wisdom tooth removed. Once that was completed, I then took her to Costco to purchase her antibiotics and painkillers. After that, I went to pick up my brother from his clinicals.

And then finally, I had a chance to relax a bit at home. After dinner, I went with a friend to pick up Diablo 3. After purchasing D3, I went home and started to install it. During the installation process, I was finishing up a cover letter for a job application.

So all in all, what a busy day I had today!

Now onto Diablo 3...

Well... it's okay? It's not as fun as I thought it would be, but I guess because I'm not familiar with the game at all. Anyways, I started off as a wizard, since I normally play a physical character in these kind of games. So far, the spells are alright. I'm level 3, so I got a lightning spell and an ice spell. After playing for like 40 minutes, I got kicked out of the game! =0

That's it for today! Here's a picture of the box

Things look so much clearer with the T3i! Don't mind the dust on my keyboard. I was also practicing with the blur tool on PS, so that's why my keyboard looks a bit weird. =P

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