Thursday 30 August 2018

Crooked Squats

Last day of PD session this week, which went relatively well. The first activity we did as a staff was nice, since we were writing positive notes for one another. It reminded me of a time during my second year where my homeroom had a "boys vs girls" issue that quickly got out of hand. After going to teacher's convention that year, I learned a technique where you make one student write three positive things about another student anonymously. I rigged it so that a boy was writing nice things for a girl and vice versa. Of course, I had them hand it in to me, for me to look them over before handing them out to the students.

It helped... for a few weeks.

The afternoon PD session was quite informative, for I learned some new tricks on PowerSchool.

Other than that, I went to try out a drone, which was beyond cool, though I guess I should read all the regulations/safety requirements before flying it. I only flew it on my school field without going above... 15 m? Like I mentioned... really cool. I wouldn't mind getting one of my own, but I'll have no use for a drone.

As for the title... squatted 235 lbs for fives for eight sets. The goal was ten, but I was starting to have my squat form tilt to one side. I wasn't fully aware of the tilt, until a couple of buddies noticed it and warned me. Better safe than to injure myself once again.

One more day before kids come back on Tuesday.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Hump day of the first week back

It's only Wednesday today? I kept thinking that it was a Friday, until I realize that it's back day Wednesdays.

The morning started off with PD before we had our staff meeting in the afternoon. Other than that, I finally went to mail in my rebate for the PSU I bought last week. Getting money, assuming that I actually do get back the rebate, is always a good thing.

Despite coming home earlier from the gym, I still have a bad habit of sleeping in, which translates to either making to work just on time, or being late a few minutes. Compared to my first year as a teacher, I used to show up 15-30 minutes early.

I'll need to figure out some other way to wake myself up, or not hit my snooze button so quickly. Maybe I should move my alarm away from arm's reach. 

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Day of PDs

Another chilly morning, but it got warmer as the day continued. Work was filled with PD: a session on the new TQS (Teacher Quality Standards) and the annual discussion about our collective bargain. Other than that, I had some time to finish setting up my Google Classrooms for the year. I've been saying that I'll implement it into my teaching ever since... 2015, but I have yet to do so. One of my personal/professional goals for the year is to implement more technology into my teaching... one that doesn't involve using a lot of tech at school since things don't always go the way you want them to go!

Ever since yesterday, I've been skipping break/nap after work to head to the gym earlier. Before summer break, I've been hitting the gym at around 6:30 PM and haven't been leaving till around 9 PM. After coming home, showering and eating, it would usually be around 10:30. Sleep is normally hard for me right after eating, so I end up staying up till 11:30. So far, it seems to be helping, for I'm just winding down before hitting the sack!

Monday 27 August 2018

Cool Autumn Breeze already?

It was chillier than usual this morning, despite it being somewhat cold over the past few weeks. I've already have wool socks on, to stop my toes from feeling like they're going to fall off.

Perhaps the coolness is the true sign that school is about to restart. The first day back went relatively smooth, with a few minor hiccups. I managed to organize my classroom somewhat and got to start working on setting up Google Classroom. I found a blog post online that apparently allows you to make a question bank of some sort to use for making quizzes on Google Forms. If I'm able to pull it off, it'll really change the way I do assignments!

As for the gym, I combined shoulders and arms today. I started adding in some cardio, which felt great at the time, but now my ankles feel stiff from going on the elliptical.

Onto sleep soon, for tomorrow is going to be a long day filled with PD.

Sunday 26 August 2018

It's already 10:30?!? (Super Short Post)

I started writing about my trip out East at around 8:30, but didn't realize it's already 10:30! I was planning to publish the post today, but I guess it'll have to wait till next weekend.

Back to work I go!

Saturday 25 August 2018

Ankle Mobility Issues

On a positive note, what a difference a few days can make when it comes to lifting weights. On Tuesday, after my massage and chiro session, my right leg was extremely sore from IMS. Squatting 225 lbs was pretty much impossible and I could only muster sets of three reps. As for today, I went at it again, and was able to squat 225 lbs for four reps while pausing at the bottom.

As for pausing at the bottom, I'm trying to reteach my body to squat "Ass-to-the-Grass". I've stopped going so low and aimed for parallel since my heels have an issue while squatting (got progressively worse since my initial injury in 2016). It normally tends to lift once I go past parallel. For today's session, I was concentrating on keeping my heels planted while trying to keep my upper body more upright. I'll need to test my ankle mobility soon, but I'm quite sure that's my biggest issue. What made me, and my workout buddy, realize that the ankle is the most probable culprit was in Toronto. I was able to squat without lifting my heels, but I was wearing low-top Chuck Taylor's (Converse). He realized that my ankles would cave in, which is bad, but prevented my heels from lifting.

The path to squat (cleanly this time) 315 seems a lot clearer now!

Friday 24 August 2018

Last Summer Break Friday

With work just around the corner (Monday Aug 27), it's about time to wrap up Summer 2018.

Overall, it was a productive summer: dabbled with Mindstorm EV3, Tinkercad and Scratch programming along with a really informative workshop, cleaned a bunch of my drawers (never got to my closet though...), and detailed my car. It was also relaxing due to being able to cram in a variety of dramas, anime, movies and vacation (more about vacation in a future blog post).

It'll be back to the daily grind soon, albeit with some changes that will hopefully allow me to get more sleep during the school year! That was one of the biggest issues I had the past year was lack of sleep.

An imaginary toast to a wonderful summer! May the upcoming school year be exciting (though not too exciting for I'm starting to show/feel my age).

Thursday 23 August 2018

First time putting a computer together

I'm not much of a gamer as compared to others, so my current computer is actually my first gaming rig. In the past, the computers I received from my parents (including laptops) were all pre-made systems. My current gaming rig is custom built, but I had Memory Express build it for me, since I didn't want to go through the hassle of putting it together myself after watching my brother and dad go through the process a few times.

Long story short, my brother built a new rig, but took apart his old computer. Since his old computer is relatively quite proficient, my dad had interest in using it, though some components had to be replaced. Therefore I headed down to Memory Express this morning to purchase a new power supply (550 W) and SSD (480 GB is cheaper than what I paid for 120 GB four years ago... how technology changes!)

Previously, the old computer was totally taken apart, but my dad initiated the rebuild by placing the motherboard back. The next step was to rewire and reconnect everything, including the PSU and SSD. The process took over an hour, though I learned quite a bit as my brother and I tackled on this challenge. Truth be told, my brother did most of the connecting while I mostly watched. I mostly took care of cable management once everything was set and done, and to install a fresh copy of Windows onto the SSD. Things seemed to work, which is always a plus!

Would I build my next computer? Most likely not. I don't mind installing software, but I always fear of snapping a pin during a build (in which I'm prone to breaking at least one part when I built gundams).

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Back Day Wednesdays Once Again

Due to events I had planned for the evening, I ended up working out first thing in the morning. The great thing about hitting the gym in the morning is the lack of people. I managed to get through my workout in a relative short amount of time before heading back home.

MH World is going well at 8 hours since Saturday. I got my Tobi armor while progressing through the story.

And that's life. A couple more weekdays before work starts again!

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Reflections of a 5th Year Teacher

It has been said by a professor during my time in the Education program (and reiterated by others) that a large amount of teachers switch careers within five years. In a way, I'm past that point by pursing my sixth year in less than a week's time. I also recall my first superintendent telling me in my first year of teaching that it normally takes five years to settle in comfortably as an educator.

In a way, I do feel like I have a routine and that I am able to deal with most situations with the experience I acquired throughout the years.

Or so I thought.

As a bit of background, my fifth year was the first time where I taught all core classes: one grade 7 science, three grade 8 sciences and one grade 9 science. Not teaching options was both a blessing and a curse: blessing in that I don't have to plan a curriculum that spans a short period of 3 months and then have to repeat it to a brand new batch. With that, I find it difficult to progress far, whether it's karate or music as the option. As a curse, not teaching options meant more curriculum to cover overall, which means more work generally. (I'm never satisfied am I?)

In one of my classes, I had a student that was immensely difficult to deal with for this student was highly uncooperative. This student required a lot of attention, which disrupted the classroom dynamics and didn't allow me to spend time with other students that needed me. Every time I disciplined this student, s/he would play the victim and insists that I'm simply picking on him/her. Escalating the situation via administration or talking directly to the parents made it worse. It wasn't just a behavior issue, for s/he was struggling academically. Throughout all my experience as an educator, I never had to deal with this kind of situation, which made my year extremely draining early on. I would dread teaching this particular class because of this one student.

Unfortunately, I did not deal with the situation in the most ideal way, for my displeasure would taint my other classes. Students are very perceptive, and they were able to pick up on my negative feel. A classroom filled with negative energy is not the most conducive learning environment.

But enough negatives. What would I do differently for this upcoming year, since chances are I will see the same student or have similar students in the near future:

1) Remember that it's not always something that you can control.
This is something that I should have recalled, since it brings back a student from my first year of teaching. This student was extremely lazy and never got stuff handed in on time, or ever at all. After much discussion with his/her parents (almost weekly telephone calls), nothing came out of the solution we crafted together. Ironically, I met this particular student last year, and it seemed like s/he was the same as always.

As an educator, you can't always inspire students to find joy in learning. Beating yourself up for not being able to is not productive in my opinion. It's better to spend your effort on those who are willing to learn, or inspired by your teaching. I've seen my fair share of students who simply don't want to invest time or effort into their studies despite how much I try and push. Then again, I've seen an equal number of students that are willing to push themselves when given the right amount of guidance.

Yes, there are many educators out there that have a higher level of tolerance/patience to deal with these particular students, but I have to remember that I am me and I have my own limits.

2) Never hesitate to ask for help from others.
I think I mentioned this before in a previous reflective post, but I never truly acted on it. I would ask for advice, but I would rarely ask for assistance when I truly needed it. To illustrate, April this year was a hellish month for me: science fair coordinator and badminton season. Organizing Science Fair took many hours, despite seemingly simple enough to do. It didn't help that there was practice three times a week after school. My mistake was not utilizing more help for Science Fair. Fortunately though, I had a volunteer help with practices and colleagues were more than willing to help me supervise the numerous tournaments we had.

3) Teach different courses.
A year ago to this day, I was anxiously awaiting for the school year to start since I'll be teaching a government standard test. I was comfortable with teaching my usual grade 7 & 8 sciences, and doing a new course was nerve wracking initially. Like mentioned before, it required more work on my part as well. I'm glad that I had the opportunity though since it expanded my own experiences. As for this upcoming school year, I'll be teaching robotics, which is totally out of my field of expertise. A challenge for sure, but I believe I'm ready to confront it!

And that's pretty much it for my fifth year reflection. They get shorter and shorter, though hopefully more concise! As for whether I stay as a teacher or not, I don't have any plans of switching careers at this point of my life. Let's hope it stays that way!

Monday 20 August 2018

Drowsy Days

Despite being back in Calgary for nearly three days, I'm exhausted still. It's either due to the lack of sleep throughout the two week vacation (averaging five hours or so), the higher altitude (highly doubt it since it was only two weeks), or some other reason that I do not know of at the moment.

It made working out more difficult than I thought, which utterly confused me since I'm normally fine after coming back from Japan.

Either way, it's getting late and I have an appointment tomorrow morning. I need to start getting back to work mode... so as a way to motivate me to get back in that mindset is to write and post my reflective post for my fifth year as a teacher.

I said it. No going back David. It'll have to be done tomorrow!

Sunday 19 August 2018

Monster Hunter: World

Having come home from visiting out east, I immediately jumped onto my computer to start playing Monster Hunter: World. I've been a fan of the series ever since Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate came out for the 3DS and Wii. I did initially tried playing Monster Hunter Tri, but I got weeded out fighting the Barroth (imagine a T-Rex like monster with a huge head and covered with mud).

Monster Hunter: World is for multiple platforms, including PC. My PC is starting to show it's age, being built in 2014, but it's running the game just fine on low settings. I have to admit that I'm tempted to upgrade my computer to play everything on the highest settings, but I don't think I would have time to do so. It's a fun game, so I'll have to get in my playtime now before work starts next week.

As for my reflective blog post for teaching and for a blog post on my trip out east... they'll be up in the next couple of days... hopefully.

Nothing Beats Home

Wanderlust is my thing
To see and taste many places
Nothing beats my bed though

(Glad to be home! I'll be going back to normal posts)

Friday 17 August 2018

Bitter Tea

Shizuoka Bancha
Lesser than Sencha but has
A bitter flavour

Thursday 16 August 2018


An art genius
With a knack for many crafts
Influenced by others

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Utter amazement

Behold holy grace
More beautiful than it’s sister
Such a grand place to see

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Dreadfully got night

Extremely hot here
Sweat forming on my forehead
Let’s get some sleep now

Monday 13 August 2018

Federal grounds

A monumental sight
Extravagant and historic
Breath taken moments

Sunday 12 August 2018


Many lights everywhere
All sorts of colours and patterns
Very cool indeed


So much food to eat
Seared, tartar, and much more choices
I am very stuffed

Friday 10 August 2018


Tasty and filling
Tarts, Taiyaki, and cheesecake
Need to burn it off

Thursday 9 August 2018

Beaches and Baseballs

Water through my toes
High energy at the game
I am tired now

Ocean Deep

Many types of fish
Swimming in different directions
An endless cycle

Tuesday 7 August 2018


Bone chilling rain falls
People dashing and giggling
Fresh scents all around

Monday 6 August 2018

Ocean Views

Calming skies around
A horizon that cannot be
Seen for miles

Sunday 5 August 2018

Lobster fest

Much lobster everywhere
Very fresh and tasty
I ate too much

Haikus for a while

I’ll be writing haikus for a while since I’m hitting a stage of extreme laziness.

Rumbling sounds now
The fog is everywhere
Eerily quiet

Friday 3 August 2018

Break from Short Stories

Two main reasons for said break: 1) It's getting late and 2) I'm out of ideas at the moment

In other news, I did manage to finish detailing my car today. Over the 20 hours I spent, it was a pretty half-ass job. =/

Polishing took a lot longer than I thought it would take at around seven hours. That is just one stage of polish... I was supposed to put an ultra-fine polish once the first stage (technically second stage, since I didn't compound), but I didn't want to spend an extra seven or so hours.

Today was mostly touching up the black trim around the car, cleaning the windows and tidying up the interior. It's no where near perfect, but it'll do for now.

Thursday 2 August 2018

What Day Is It?

"What day is it?"

Those are the four words that I heard as I entered our bedroom. We've been living here for the past forty years. Years filled with a wide variety of memories. Majority of them are good memories, yet there are some sad ones that fill up the gaps.

My wife for the past fifty years has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's a few years back. Her disease changed how life is for the two of us. Once a proud housewife of three children has been reduced to sitting in bed for most of the day. She lost the ability to cook when the stove was left on a few months back.

"Our son was here to give us our 40th anniversary gift Dear." I nodded, while tears started to stream down my face. Our only son passed away from cancer almost ten years ago. My wife would relive moments from our past, with a smile on her face. I told myself to let her be, for who knows how much time she has left herself.

"Oh where is it... he just gave it to me not too long ago." Having seen this scene many times before, I pulled the music box from our beside cabinet and handed to her. A smile brightened her face... and that tore me apart even more.

I turned my back towards her as the tears started to cascade. Life can be so cruel at times.

As I turned back to face her. She had a quizzical look on her face.

"What day is it?"

(Time: 9 minutes and 50 seconds... I'll need more work in writing more somber topics)

Wednesday 1 August 2018

The Two F's of Life

A man weary fumbles for the keys to his sanctuary after an extremely busy day in the office. As he steps into the foyer, a exhilarating aroma engulfs him. His salivary glands go into hyper drive as he takes off his jacket and loosens his tie. Filled with energy once more, he dashes around the corner to see a welcoming sight.

His wife stands by the stove, stirring a large pot with a ladle. She carefully pours a small amount onto a plate and brings it towards her lips. After tilting her head, she realizes that it needs a bit more seasoning. Knowing that her husband is back home, she turns to him and asks for the salt in the cabinet behind him.

He hurries to comply, for his stomach starts to rumble. As he passes the salt shaker to her, he gives her a hug and kisses her cheek. She giggles like a young girl, while blushing ever so slightly as she pours in the salt. As she puts on the finishing touches, she starts to ladle the stew onto six plates.

Setting the plates on the table, the man ventures onto the second floor to call upon his son and his family. He notices that his child is developing wrinkles and his hair is starting to turn gray. He beams upon his two beautiful grandchildren, as they head towards the kitchen.

Ah, dinner with the family after an extremely long day at work.

(Time: 9 minutes and 57 seconds... this one was a tough one)