Saturday 25 August 2018

Ankle Mobility Issues

On a positive note, what a difference a few days can make when it comes to lifting weights. On Tuesday, after my massage and chiro session, my right leg was extremely sore from IMS. Squatting 225 lbs was pretty much impossible and I could only muster sets of three reps. As for today, I went at it again, and was able to squat 225 lbs for four reps while pausing at the bottom.

As for pausing at the bottom, I'm trying to reteach my body to squat "Ass-to-the-Grass". I've stopped going so low and aimed for parallel since my heels have an issue while squatting (got progressively worse since my initial injury in 2016). It normally tends to lift once I go past parallel. For today's session, I was concentrating on keeping my heels planted while trying to keep my upper body more upright. I'll need to test my ankle mobility soon, but I'm quite sure that's my biggest issue. What made me, and my workout buddy, realize that the ankle is the most probable culprit was in Toronto. I was able to squat without lifting my heels, but I was wearing low-top Chuck Taylor's (Converse). He realized that my ankles would cave in, which is bad, but prevented my heels from lifting.

The path to squat (cleanly this time) 315 seems a lot clearer now!

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