Thursday 30 August 2018

Crooked Squats

Last day of PD session this week, which went relatively well. The first activity we did as a staff was nice, since we were writing positive notes for one another. It reminded me of a time during my second year where my homeroom had a "boys vs girls" issue that quickly got out of hand. After going to teacher's convention that year, I learned a technique where you make one student write three positive things about another student anonymously. I rigged it so that a boy was writing nice things for a girl and vice versa. Of course, I had them hand it in to me, for me to look them over before handing them out to the students.

It helped... for a few weeks.

The afternoon PD session was quite informative, for I learned some new tricks on PowerSchool.

Other than that, I went to try out a drone, which was beyond cool, though I guess I should read all the regulations/safety requirements before flying it. I only flew it on my school field without going above... 15 m? Like I mentioned... really cool. I wouldn't mind getting one of my own, but I'll have no use for a drone.

As for the title... squatted 235 lbs for fives for eight sets. The goal was ten, but I was starting to have my squat form tilt to one side. I wasn't fully aware of the tilt, until a couple of buddies noticed it and warned me. Better safe than to injure myself once again.

One more day before kids come back on Tuesday.

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