Tuesday 28 August 2018

Day of PDs

Another chilly morning, but it got warmer as the day continued. Work was filled with PD: a session on the new TQS (Teacher Quality Standards) and the annual discussion about our collective bargain. Other than that, I had some time to finish setting up my Google Classrooms for the year. I've been saying that I'll implement it into my teaching ever since... 2015, but I have yet to do so. One of my personal/professional goals for the year is to implement more technology into my teaching... one that doesn't involve using a lot of tech at school since things don't always go the way you want them to go!

Ever since yesterday, I've been skipping break/nap after work to head to the gym earlier. Before summer break, I've been hitting the gym at around 6:30 PM and haven't been leaving till around 9 PM. After coming home, showering and eating, it would usually be around 10:30. Sleep is normally hard for me right after eating, so I end up staying up till 11:30. So far, it seems to be helping, for I'm just winding down before hitting the sack!

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