Thursday 2 August 2018

What Day Is It?

"What day is it?"

Those are the four words that I heard as I entered our bedroom. We've been living here for the past forty years. Years filled with a wide variety of memories. Majority of them are good memories, yet there are some sad ones that fill up the gaps.

My wife for the past fifty years has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's a few years back. Her disease changed how life is for the two of us. Once a proud housewife of three children has been reduced to sitting in bed for most of the day. She lost the ability to cook when the stove was left on a few months back.

"Our son was here to give us our 40th anniversary gift Dear." I nodded, while tears started to stream down my face. Our only son passed away from cancer almost ten years ago. My wife would relive moments from our past, with a smile on her face. I told myself to let her be, for who knows how much time she has left herself.

"Oh where is it... he just gave it to me not too long ago." Having seen this scene many times before, I pulled the music box from our beside cabinet and handed to her. A smile brightened her face... and that tore me apart even more.

I turned my back towards her as the tears started to cascade. Life can be so cruel at times.

As I turned back to face her. She had a quizzical look on her face.

"What day is it?"

(Time: 9 minutes and 50 seconds... I'll need more work in writing more somber topics)

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