Friday 24 August 2018

Last Summer Break Friday

With work just around the corner (Monday Aug 27), it's about time to wrap up Summer 2018.

Overall, it was a productive summer: dabbled with Mindstorm EV3, Tinkercad and Scratch programming along with a really informative workshop, cleaned a bunch of my drawers (never got to my closet though...), and detailed my car. It was also relaxing due to being able to cram in a variety of dramas, anime, movies and vacation (more about vacation in a future blog post).

It'll be back to the daily grind soon, albeit with some changes that will hopefully allow me to get more sleep during the school year! That was one of the biggest issues I had the past year was lack of sleep.

An imaginary toast to a wonderful summer! May the upcoming school year be exciting (though not too exciting for I'm starting to show/feel my age).

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