Monday 27 August 2018

Cool Autumn Breeze already?

It was chillier than usual this morning, despite it being somewhat cold over the past few weeks. I've already have wool socks on, to stop my toes from feeling like they're going to fall off.

Perhaps the coolness is the true sign that school is about to restart. The first day back went relatively smooth, with a few minor hiccups. I managed to organize my classroom somewhat and got to start working on setting up Google Classroom. I found a blog post online that apparently allows you to make a question bank of some sort to use for making quizzes on Google Forms. If I'm able to pull it off, it'll really change the way I do assignments!

As for the gym, I combined shoulders and arms today. I started adding in some cardio, which felt great at the time, but now my ankles feel stiff from going on the elliptical.

Onto sleep soon, for tomorrow is going to be a long day filled with PD.

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