Thursday 23 August 2018

First time putting a computer together

I'm not much of a gamer as compared to others, so my current computer is actually my first gaming rig. In the past, the computers I received from my parents (including laptops) were all pre-made systems. My current gaming rig is custom built, but I had Memory Express build it for me, since I didn't want to go through the hassle of putting it together myself after watching my brother and dad go through the process a few times.

Long story short, my brother built a new rig, but took apart his old computer. Since his old computer is relatively quite proficient, my dad had interest in using it, though some components had to be replaced. Therefore I headed down to Memory Express this morning to purchase a new power supply (550 W) and SSD (480 GB is cheaper than what I paid for 120 GB four years ago... how technology changes!)

Previously, the old computer was totally taken apart, but my dad initiated the rebuild by placing the motherboard back. The next step was to rewire and reconnect everything, including the PSU and SSD. The process took over an hour, though I learned quite a bit as my brother and I tackled on this challenge. Truth be told, my brother did most of the connecting while I mostly watched. I mostly took care of cable management once everything was set and done, and to install a fresh copy of Windows onto the SSD. Things seemed to work, which is always a plus!

Would I build my next computer? Most likely not. I don't mind installing software, but I always fear of snapping a pin during a build (in which I'm prone to breaking at least one part when I built gundams).

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