Thursday 24 January 2019

All the Slush

Unlike yesterday, it was quite warm. Warm means melting snow. Melting snow means extremely dirty car. I haven't washed it for over a week now, but there doesn't seem to be a good opportunity to do so-- though I should soon due to my fear of it starting to rust.

Work was not the ordinary -- majority of my students were away today. Fortunately, I had booklets prepared the day before, so students who weren't at school most likely (hopefully) worked on their booklets at home. As for the students here, they worked on their booklets for most the day.

After work, I rushed on home and ended up playing a bit of MHW before heading out to dinner at Dagu Rice Noodle. I tried it in Toronto, and it was pretty decent. Calgary's version was not bad, though I didn't feel like the soup was at 150 degrees Centigrade. My soup stopped boiling literally seconds after it was placed in front of me, while in Toronto, it was boiling for a good minute or so. Either way, it tasted great, and I'll probably stop by again in the future.

I got home and proceeded to try and get the parts I needed for MHGU. Unlike yesterday, I was gifted with SEVEN of the parts I was looking for (when I only needed 4). Almost completed my first G-rank armor set with the help of my brother!

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