Wednesday 2 January 2019

Almost Back to the Grind

I started the morning by going through since I didn't feel like modifying more notes. I managed to finish going through most of the lessons, with a few more CSS ones to go. Other than that, I spent a portion of my afternoon on Final Fantasy XII before heading to the gym for back and leg day. Squats were horrible, for 145 lbs was dreadfully crooked. I'm feeling alright, with no apparent tightness, though it'll be something I'll have to discover. Back was alright, though it was dreadfully hard to do pull ups.

As to finish up, I did some cardio, which I normally do not do. However, it is time to go back down to around 170ish pounds, and not wanting to starve myself like a few years back, cardio will be on the menu!

Almost back to work. Break went by relatively slowly which is awesome!

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