Tuesday 22 January 2019

It's apparently harder to not go all the way down...

Once again, work was the same as every other day. The only difference being was that my grade 8s had their quiz. For students that kept on complaining how difficult the topic was, they did extremely well on the quiz. I'm quite sure I didn't hold back my punches when I made this quiz as well.

Going home was a bit busier than yesterday, but relatively smooth still. Tuesday marked gym day -- which is mostly volume squats. I've been going just below parallel instead of ass-to-the-grass as of recent due to some back issues. It's a lot harder I find to go just below 90 degrees -- probably since I don't have that quick break at the very bottom. I'm sure it'll get better with practice.

Other than that, I've finally started reading Sapiens. It's a really interesting book about how we evolved as a race thus far -- or that's my understanding of what I'm reading so far!

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