Monday 21 January 2019

Almost Knocked Myself Out

Work was the ordinary once again, with nothing really out of the ordinary. After work, I drove home anticipating the wall of traffic that I was about to face. Fortunately, it was extremely smooth and I think I made it home in record time.

Monday is shoulders and arm day. While I was warming up for my first overhead press, I managed to hit my chin as the bar was going up. Fortunately, I didn't push full out, and didn't end up breaking anything! It was embarrassing though for me. =/

After the gym, I went to fill up gas. Out of more sheer luck, the Petro I go to normally ran out of regular, thus offering Ultra Clean 94 Octane at the same price of regular ($0.869 a litre). I cannot recall the last time I filled up my car was gasoline less than $1, since it requires premium gas at all times.

A good evening nonetheless. 

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