Tuesday 1 January 2019

New Year's Day 2019

I went to sleep early last night since my nose was running amok. I woke up to the sounds of fireworks, which I guess made me technically up to ring in the New Year (I believe they started fireworks at 12).

I woke up early, but went back to sleep. After getting up at 11, I scarfed down breakfast so that I could get work done. With having marking finished yesterday, I spent most of the morning working on modifying notes for my grade 7 and 8 science class. Right after that, I spent most of the day playing FF XII. I first played FF XII in high school when it came out, but I never got the chance to finish it.

Since the gym was closed, I sat at my computer all day...

Either way, a relaxing way to start of 2019.

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