Wednesday 23 January 2019

Desire Sensor is Strong

Morning commute was smooth and work was the ordinary. It started snowing mid-morning, but the day was relatively mild otherwise. It was warmer than I thought it would be as well for bus supervision in the afternoon.

Back and leg day at the gym was rough. I barely could do pull ups -- perhaps only 10 sets today of five reps. Squats were really rough as well, though I guess you'll have those days every now and then.

After the gym, I had some time to play MHGU. I've been trying to build a G-rank armor set, which requires specific parts from an elder dragon. Many players, including myself, believe that the game has a "desire sensor" in that the game has the ability to detect what parts you really want, and deny you from getting those parts. I've been looking for one particular set of claws from the elder-dragon, and it shouldn't be that hard to get, if you meet the require conditions. The required condition was to prevent the elder dragon from doing too much damage to your wall... and normally the elder dragon doesn't attack the wall that often.

This version/fight had the elder dragon gunning for the wall and doing as much damage as s/he could before we could kill it...

There's always tomorrow I guess!

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