Wednesday 9 January 2019

No Prep Days are Definitely Long

Day 3 at work is my non-prep days. When I first started teaching, I always thought that I would be able to work the full day since I never had a prep in high school. The "preps" I had were in university, but mostly because I couldn't have classes back to back (except for my third year winter semester, which was brilliant since I started at 8 daily and ended at 12!)

Either way, it was a long day. I left work a bit later than I thought I would, but rushed on home to snack before heading to the gym. Back and squats went relatively well, though I didn't do as many exercises as I thought I would. I'm glad to say that front squatting 95 lbs felt alright for my wrists!

Two more days to go for the weekend. The week is going by so quickly...

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