Monday 6 November 2023

Day 30 (Aug 7) - Onto Hong Kong!

 We woke up and did one final pack before leaving our hotel. We took the metro to the airport, meaning I could use the second purple token I had on me. We were flying on a low-cost carrier, but the service was top-notch. They even served a small snack! As we arrived at Hong Kong International Airport, we waited for her dad to pick us up. I admit I was feeling quite nervous since I've never met her parents before. 

It wasn't too long of a wait, as her dad soon arrived in his minivan. We quickly loaded the luggage into the back before climbing into the vehicle. It was about a 30-minute drive to her place, so I sat there listening to the two of them speaking in Cantonese. Unlike Taiwan, I was able to pick up about 20% of the language, so I had an inkling of what was being said. As he was driving, her father greeted me quite warmly, which helped ease whatever anxiety I had at the moment. 

We arrived in her neighborhood and walked towards her unit. Before opening the door, I could hear the sound of paws on the hardwood floor. As the door opened, there was a flurry of two golden-colored dogs! I was also worried that her dogs might be aggressive with me, but fortunately they treated me like a long-lost cousin. It was also at this time that I met the rest of her immediate family. After quick introductions and playing with her dogs, we unpacked before deciding on what to eat for dinner. I was famished at this point since I didn't eat much besides the snack on the plane.

We ended up ordering from Pizza Hut. Despite it being close to her place, it took nearly 90 minutes for it to arrive. It was considerably pricy compared to Canada, but the quality was not the same as back home even. Granted, they seemed to have more variety in terms of food choices than they did here, but I thought it was rather standard fare. The soup, tasted like it came from a can (which it probably did) and the chicken wings were a bit soggy. The pizza was doughy, but being hungry, I didn't really care what I was eating at that point. Once dinner was over, we relaxed a bit before heading back to the airport. One of her family members and partner was actually heading to Japan that night so we went along for the ride. 

After dropping them off we stopped in the town by her neighborhood to pick up dessert. I don't recall what it was called, but it's essentially fruit, sago, jelly, and milk if I'm not mistaken. This was actually quite good due to the sweetness of each fruit and toppings. Once dessert was finished, it was time for a quick shower and bed!

Another travel day, though filled with new sights as I've never been to Hong Kong before. Unlike Taiwan, it was nice being able to somewhat understand what people were saying to me!

Her Labrador! She's a cutie!

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