Tuesday 14 November 2023

Day 37 (Aug 14) - Haircut in Hong Kong!

 Despite not having much to do for the day, I woke up decently early. We ordered food for breakfast, which was delivered via Foodpanda (similar to DoorDash or Uber Eats). Honestly, I don't know the names of all the dishes, but there was some sort of noodle dish, fish ball skewers, and a type of soup. All were good and kept me full past lunchtime.

After resting for a while, including my feeble attempt at doing work, we headed out to town. I needed a haircut since my original plan of getting a haircut in Ikebukuro back on July 11 did not materialize. My hair wasn't super long, but it was starting to annoy me. We didn't have much luck in terms of drop-ins until we found a place near the bus stop. The salon was priced a bit more than some other places we saw, but it looked like they would have room to have me come in and get my haircut. It started off with a shampoo that felt nice, then the cut itself. The hairstylist had a look in mind, which he showed me via an Instagram photo. It looked good to me, with what I could see without my glasses on, so I agreed on the cut. After he was nearly done cutting my hair, he seemed to have a change of heart and was wondering if I wanted a perm. Not wanting to dish out money for a perm, I asked him to talk to my girlfriend for her advice. The split-second look on her face told me all I wanted to know about my haircut. Fortunately, she was able to explain how we didn't have time for the perm, so he finished what he did and let me go after we paid.

All I can say is that my haircut was... interesting. I couldn't stop laughing every time I saw my own reflection. But enough of that -- it was off to find some dessert. There was a MeetFresh nearby, so we ventured in. The first time I went to this chain was back in Vancouver; we ended up ordering the taro ball milk with pearls. Maybe I'm just biased, but it tasted better than back home in Canada. After we finished, we took the shuttle bus back to her neighborhood. 

After getting comments from her family about the haircut, we went to walk her dogs. The walk wasn't out of the ordinary. After coming back, we ordered dinner. It involved chicken wing tips (I believe that's what it was), and it was extremely good. The chili peppers really give the tip flavor. We also got the same fruit dessert that I had during my first day in Hong Kong. Overall, a scrumptious dinner. 

My girlfriend and I then proceeded to play Ticket to Ride, a game she picked up during her homestay in Europe. We usually just played with the two of us, but her brother was able to join us this time around. Out of the two boards I played (Europe and Japan), we played the Japan expansion. Not going to lie, but playing it made me miss Japan, despite it only being a few weeks out. 

After finishing our game, I was off to sleep for the night! Only three more full days left in Hong Kong. 

Her Labrador seems to be tired as well! She's so cute!

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