Tuesday 7 November 2023

Day 31 (Aug 8) - First Full Day in Hong Kong!

 After waking up, I headed down to the town with my girlfriend and her mother for a late breakfast/early lunch. It was a noodle restaurant that served a variety of different types of noodle dishes. I can't remember what type of noodle I got, but the soup was flavorful. It reminds me of Dagu Rice Noodle in terms of the broth. Once we finished and paid, we explored the various markets. Her mother left to do more shopping eventually while we ventured onto a department store. We ended up getting some bubble waffles before heading back to her house.

Once we arrived back to her place, we tidied (or more like I watched while she tidied) her room before taking it easy for the afternoon. I got in a lot of playtime with her dogs and started to grow quite fond of her Labrador. Her dad came home from a job late afternoon, which meant it was time for dinner. Her parents took us to a seafood restaurant that served various types of seafood. We got a set meal that included beef slices and seafood. She and I actually got to pick our lobster, crab, clams, and abalone from tanks they had near the front of the restaurant. Once we picked out our seafood, the waitress took away the buckets we placed them in for them to get prepared for us to steam at our table. It was a fantastic dinner filled with a lot of seafood, meat, and vegetables. As for the vegetables, there was a buffet-like section that served various types of greens. 

After stuffing ourselves for a couple of hours, we headed back home. I got the chance to walk her dogs with her, which was something I hadn't done in ages (I believe the last time was in Japan when I was in elementary school). Her Labrador was a relatively calm walker, though can be stubborn at times if she really wants to go a particular direction. It was a lot cooler during the night, in comparison to the day, so it was a pleasant walk. Once that was over, we got back home. I ended up showering and prepared to hit the sack for the day.

A relatively quiet day, but a much-needed break after all the traveling I have done so far. Almost a full month has gone by since I left Calgary!

Maybe a bit chubby, but she's so lovely!

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