Saturday 18 November 2023

Day 38 (Aug 15) - Finishing Chores in Hong Kong

 With the last few days in Hong Kong upon us, we started the day with dim sum in town. Overall, the food was good and reasonably priced. The flavors didn't stick out, but I was satisfied when we finished eating. Afterward, we went to a delivery courier to collect packages and ship some items. Very soon after, we headed back to her place to do more chores.

She cleaned up her room while I was there for... morale support. After finishing most of her room, we headed back to a different part of town for some appointments she had booked to deal with her other tasks. That took a couple of hours, so when we headed back home, it was to get ready for dinner with some of her other relatives. 

We ate a Chinese styled restaurant (not 100% sure of what type of Chinese cuisine) that served a variety of dishes. There was even orange juice, which was something new to me since I almost always drink tea (or pop) at a Chinese restaurant. What was unique about this restaurant was each person had two pairs of chopsticks: one for personal use and one to pick up food from the dishes in the middle. I was feeling pretty tired near the end of dinner, which I can usually tell based on how much Cantonese I can understand. Normally, I should be able to pick up around 20% (assuming I'm concentrating hard), but when tired, it goes down to almost 0%.

Once dinner was over, we headed back home to relax for the rest of the night. Only two more full days in Hong Kong!

It was a nice, hot day. Sometimes I wish I had a longer break during the spring or fall for travel. 

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