Sunday 19 November 2023

Day 39 (Aug 16) - Ramen in Hong Kong

 For the last two days, we had no set plans. I got up late, took my time to watch some anime and just relaxed for the last few days in Hong Kong. I gave up doing work at this point, so I made sure to consume as much media as I can before I lose that free time.

We had a late lunch, courtesy of some Hong Kong-inspired sandwiches. They weren't half bad, though I cannot recall what they consisted of at this point. Once we finished eating, we took another break before I took her dogs out for a walk. It was my first solo walk with her dogs, so I took them out one at a time. I started with her mixed dog, since he would pine if the Labrador went out first. After going down the usual path, we ended up at the small fenced area for him to roam free for a bit. Once it seemed like he had enough, we headed back home so I could take her Labrador. We followed a similar path for her Labrador before heading to the enclosed area. Unlike her mixed dog, I didn't end up locking the gate, but just closing it instead. Near the end of her free-roaming, she trotted down towards the gate (which is nothing I've ever seen before because she didn't seem to like running much anymore at her age [9 years old].) She proceeded to use her head to open the gate, and walked out herself! I had to jog to catch up to her and to clip her leash back onto her harness. They weren't joking when they said Labrador Retrievers were smart!

After the walk, we got ready to head into another district of the New Territories where her mom operates her ramen shop. It was still a bit too early to get dinner ourselves (waiting till near closing time when it's not as busy), so we walked around the little shopping alley. Since I didn't drink much during the day, she got me a bubbletea to keep me hydrated. After about 20-30 minutes, when it didn't look as busy inside, we headed in for dinner. The ramen I got was a tonkotsu based broth with thin slices of cha siu. The cha siu was unlike what I've ever seen, with it being red instead of the normal light grey that I'm accustomed to in Japan.

Upon the first few bites, a wave of nostalgia hit me. It's not very common I had ramen that tasted like Japan. The broth was lighter than other Tonkotsu broth I had before, but it worked well with the noodles and cha siu. The cha siu was extremely flavorful, and complemented the broth well. And of course, the soft boiled egg. There's something about eggs in Asia that I can't replicate here in Canada.

After dinner, and waiting for her family to finish closing the shop, we headed back for the night. 

One more full day to go!

So good... I wish ramen wasn't that calorie dense. 

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