Thursday 9 November 2023

Day 33 (Aug 10) - Summiko Gurashi Macarons

Unlike yesterday, I woke up relatively early since we had plans. It started with dim sum with some of her relatives from her mom's side. Her dad picked up some relatives in the van before we headed to the restaurant. 

The restaurant has nice views of the Tuen Mun River (if I'm reading the EXIF data correctly). The food was good, though nothing extraordinary. Once we were done eating dim sum, we had a class to attend. Her dad drove us to the nearest bus stop so we could take it to the baking class near Kowloon. The bus ride was relatively uneventful, so I slept on it for most of the trip. As we approached our stop, we got off and headed towards a large building. The baking class was up a few floors.

There were only four of us there. Besides us two, were a mother and a young daughter. Our task for the day was to create Sumikko Gurashi macarons. For those who don't know Sumikko Gurashi, they're a branch of San-X (I thought they were part of Sanrio until doing some research today). I started liking them after using their sticker pack on WhatsApp. I let my girlfriend do most of the work, not wanting to screw up. We had three hours, and it took nearly all three hours to create the macarons. They had the... "dough" (not sure of the proper term) set up, so she carefully filled the template provided for each character on hand. Once she crafted each macaron, my job was to put on red slashes to represent cheeks. I think I did alright, except for one of the characters in which the cheeks were lopsided!

 Once we took pictures, we packed up and left. We walked around Kowloon and found a place to eat dinner. There was a restaurant serving egg noodles, topped with shredded pork. It was a simple dish, but the flavors were strong and delightful. Once we finished dinner, we headed off to get some ice cream from a truck that's apparently famous. The ice cream itself wasn't too special though since it reminded me of any vanilla ice cream you can find in Canada. 

After eating, we ventured to a toy store in search of a Gundam(s) for my brother. It took us a bus trip, in which we were able to find the store with relative ease. The store had a variety of various toys, with a small corner dedicated to Gundams. Unfortunately, I was only able to find one Gundam that my brother wanted. The prices were extremely reasonable, even compared to Japan! After purchasing the Gundam, we headed to a nearby dessert shop to get yam and taro balls. We had to eat relatively quickly to catch the train back to her district.

After a relatively long trip back, we ate some of the macarons at her house. There were two types of filling: vanilla and chocolate. Both were quite good, though the novelty was mostly due to the characters. It was kind of sad eating our... I mean her handiwork! Soon after, we headed out to walk the dogs. Instead of walking far, we stopped by a small garden in which we were able to let the dogs free. They spent a good amount of time strolling and sniffing the place, before it was time to head back home for the night.

Tomorrow will be another busy day since we'll be heading to Macau!

A close up of the pieces. As you can see, the tonkatsu character (without the bow) had uneven cheeks. 

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