Wednesday 8 November 2023

Day 32 (Aug 9) - Kicking Back in Hong Kong

 We had no specific plans in mind for the day, so I ended up waking up late. We headed to a nearby restaurant for lunch. I got myself a rice dish with various toppings. What I found interesting was how they had an empty bowl and hot water at the table for us. That hot water was used to clean the utensils since that was what people used to do in Hong Kong back in the day. Nevertheless, the food was good and had a homey feel to it. Once we finished breakfast, we headed up a mountain to view parts of Hong Kong's New Territories. The view was serene, with various firepits and picnic tables on the bottom for people to enjoy themselves on a nice hot day. After spending some time, we headed back to town to shop for ingredients for supper.

Once we got back, I ended up doing some lesson planning for what I presumed would be my assignment for the next school year. I took my time and made sure to just sit back and relax. As I mentioned before, it was a nice change of pace from always going from one place to another. In the evening, my girlfriend's parents cooked a meal that consisted of chicken, fish, and bok choy. There was also congee from yesterday's dinner (I forgot to mention, they had rice that was cooking underneath the steamer so that the juice from the meat and seafood could flavor the rice), which seemed to taste better a day after. 

After relaxing after dinner, we went to walk the dogs again. The Labrador seemed a bit more restless during the walk, but we managed to get through the walk-in one piece.

Tomorrow will be more eventful, but I should be well-rested!

I regret not getting a mint chocolate flavored bubble tea...


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