Monday 13 November 2023

Day 36 (Aug 13) - Staying Back With a Walk By The River

 The last bit of Hong Kong was very laid back. We didn't have any set plans, and I wanted to lounge mostly at home. We started the day with lunch at a restaurant in town. They were serving customers outside, and there was a bit of a wait. It didn't help that it was starting to rain quite heavily, but fortunately, her dad kept umbrellas inside his van. I got myself some sort of noodle soup with eggs and sausage off to the side. The meal was simple, yet the flavors had a really homey feel. Once we completed lunch, we went off to her mom's restaurant so that they could set up to reopen after their one week vacation. 

Her mom owns a ramen restaurant. The interior was very reminiscent of Japan with the mural on the wall. The water jugs were the same double-walled ones they used in ramen restaurants in Japan! There was nothing for me to do, so I mostly sat there while they prepared for tomorrow. After about an hour or so, we headed off to another district to purchase ingredients. 

After getting back to her place, I took a nap, which ended up being a few hours. Upon waking, we decided to take her dogs for a longer walk down the river near her house. It was a peaceful walk down the river with little foot traffic. The only issue was the swath of mosquitos biting us along the way. There was a scenic spot with benches, so we sat there for a while letting her dogs take a break. We headed back to her place and it was then time for dinner. 

For dinner, we ordered from KFC. Instead of delivery, we opted for take out instead. The closest KFC was at the mall where we had Sushiro the day before. It was quite packed inside, but they seemed to be efficiently dealing with their orders. Once we grabbed our food, we stopped to purchase some dessert as well before heading back. I was actually quite surprised how different KFC tasted in Hong Kong in comparison to Canada. I have yet to try it in Japan, but the KFC in Hong Kong was quite a bit better compared to here. The chicken was quite flavorful and tender. They also had egg tarts and rice dishes! The egg tarts were not as good as Macau's but were a nice finish to dinner.

All in all, a day to recharge. Not many more days left in Hong Kong. 

As we were driving to another district from her mom's restaurant. 

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