Monday 20 November 2023

Day 40 (Aug 17) - Last Day in Hong Kong!

 With the last full day in Hong Kong upon me, I did what any sensible traveler would do: I slept in. After waking up later than I would normally have, we took her dogs to the enclosed area for one last time. I'll miss her dogs. They're relatively well behaved and were so full of love. Her Labrador really loved it when you scratched her lower back. Her mixed dog was always so gentle when you fed him food directly from your hand. Hopefully, I get to see the two of them very soon once again!

After lounging around for the day, we went back to her mom's restaurant for dinner. I got a shrimp-based soup this time around -- it was unique in terms of flavors though not my favorite way to eat ramen. For anyone that loves shrimp though, I'm sure it'll suit their palette. As we were waiting for her mom to finish cleaning, we stopped by some other stores to buy some food to take home to eat. 

It's hard to believe that my time in Hong Kong is finally coming to an end. True, there wasn't as much exploring in comparison to the Japan leg of the trip, but it was a much-needed break from the constant need to see attractions. Hong Kong definitely has it's charm that is different than Japan or Taiwan. It also helps that I'm able to understand somewhat what people are saying. I was fortunate as well that I had accommodations covered and food for that matter! As for next time, I'll make it a goal to visit the island and to try other types of cuisines that I wasn't able to this time around!

As for tomorrow, we'll be heading off to one last country before coming back to Canada!

The rare time I see her Labrador smile/have a somewhat happy face. 

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