Thursday 27 October 2011

4th Day!

Fourth day at Forest Lawn! I had the chance to visit the computer classes (including a design class), the library and the guidance councillor office. I have to say that the computer class was very interesting. Students were designing cool things like cars, animals and even a dragon!

What interested me the most in the afternoon was the tour of the guidance councillor office/student services. I learnt more about the school's culture. It was actually quite surprising to find out about the school's demography. (I guess I'll discuss more when I finish this week's practicum at Forest Lawn with a lengthy post on Saturday or Sunday).

Tomorrow is going to be the last day at Forest Lawn. Strangely enough, I have to say I'm going to miss that school. I actually wouldn't mind coming back next semester/year/future to teach at Forest Lawn.

I'm running out of pictures to post, so here's a picture of the latest Gundam I built! I finished this Gundam late August I believe!

For those who don't know this kit, its MG 1/100 Wing Zero Endless Waltz Edition (similar to the Ver. Ka model but the original color scheme of the EW kit is apparently darker). I did minor modifications to the kit this time. I only changed the yellow-orangey paint to a gold color. I did however, paint the entire Gundam, but I kept the color scheme the same. I used a mixture of dull cote and shine cote to finish the Gundam. Any guesses with what part got which cote? =P

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