Thursday 20 October 2011


Bah, its been a while since I had to be in school for 12 hours. Should have went outside when I had the chance! I got zero hours of sunlight in today =(  (8AM - 8 PM). I need my daily dose of Vitamin D!!!

The reason why I was at school for so long was because I had a midterm at 8 AM in the morning (which went pretty well I think) and then a training session for Calgary Reads from 4:30 -8 PM. I also bought lunch for the first time this semester! I been trying to save money by going home to eat, since I only have one job at the moment =( [It doesn't help when almost 50% of your income goes to pay off my cell phone bill, but I guess that's the price I pay for buying an iPhone!]

Anyways, for today's picture, its a picture I took yesterday before going home. I really liked the sunset that I witnessed yesterday! There's a feeling of peace that I get from looking at sunsets, for the Sun is winding down after a long day's work. 

As you may have guessed, this picture was taken from my iPhone (like most of my pictures). 

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