Wednesday 12 October 2011

Meh... iOS 5

Just finished writing an in-class assignment for EDUC 404 (Literature, Language and Culture)... and I think I bombed it >.< Should have spent more time studying for it!

After hearing about the problems people are having updating to iOS 5, I guess I'll wait a bit till things clear up. Apparently its due to the fact that too many people are updating their Apple products at the same time that the servers are having a hard time catching up =(. Oh well, there's no rush for me to update my phone. I don't want to lose precious time playing this new game I found!

The new game I found is called Dragon Vale. Its pretty much based on FarmVille, but you train/hatch/breed dragons instead. I find it to be quite addicting... I spent practically two hours on this game on Monday... and another 30 minutes yesterday...

Here's a picture of what the game looks like. If you happen to have a game center account, go get this game! Not only will you have fun, but you'll get the chance to give me a free present (red gem i believe).  =D

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